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  • 2024.04.26

    The Research Center for Textual Scholarship Sponsored Event: “The Practice of Editing Shakespeare Plays – The Taishukan Shakespeare II/Phase 2 Publication Commemorative Event”

The Research Center for Textual Scholarship is sponsoring an event titled “The Practice of Editing Shakespeare Plays – The Taishukan Shakespeare II/Phase 2 Publication Commemorative Event”. On the day of the event, professors involved in the editorial work of the “The Taishukan Shakespeare II/Phase 2” will discuss issues related to Shakespeare editing. For more detailed information about the book and the event, please see the flyer.

Date and Time: June 15, 2024 (Saturday) from 13:00 to 17:00.
Venue: Room 008, Building No. 8. Seijo University.
Capacity: 100 participants (Pre-registration is required).
Pre-registration will be accepted until June 11 (Tuesday).


The Research Center for Textual Scholarship, Seijo University
E-Mail: ts-office[at]seijo.ac.jp
Please replace [at] with @ when sending an email.