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「成城 学びの森」コミュニティー?カレッジ



2013年度 春夏講座
13) Introduction to Shakespeare through Four Film Interpretations of Hamlet

社会イノベーション学部教授 Dennis Riches(デニス?リチェズ)
金曜日 18:30 ? 19:50 (講座 :全 8 回) (1)5/17 (2)5/24 (3)5/31 (4)6/7 (5)6/14 (6)6/21 (7)6/28 (8)7/5


The eight sessions of this course will be concerned with the study of a single play by William Shakespeare: Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. The aims of the course are:
1.Gain a familiarity with the language and lexicon of Shakespeare's work.
2.Perform chosen scenes (voice acting only, with script).
3.Analyze how different directors and actors interpreted the play in four cinematic productions between 1948 and 2000.
4.Write critiques and analysis of the play and the four interpretations of it studied in class.
5.Study existing critical frameworks and particular analyses of the play.
6.Discuss students' written critiques during class.
7.View and discuss segments of two films that are modern extensions of Shakespeare's plays:
ⅰ. Stoppard, Tom (director). Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. 1990.
ⅱ. Madden, John (director). Shakespeare in Love. 1998.


(1) Introduction to plot, characters, themes.
(2) Acts I to V - study of dialogue, viewing of the same scene in each of the film versions, rehearsal, performance.
(3) Acts I to V - study of dialogue, viewing of the same scene in each of the film versions, rehearsal, performance.
(4) Acts I to V - study of dialogue, viewing of the same scene in each of the film versions, rehearsal, performance.
(5) Acts I to V - study of dialogue, viewing of the same scene in each of the film versions, rehearsal, performance.
(6) Learn how to write a summary, review and critique, study examples of these.
(7) Two contemporary, popular extensions of Shakespeare's life and work:
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead and Shakespeare in Love
(8) Final discussions, led by students' initiative.


沙巴体育 「成城 学びの森」事務局
〒157-8511 東京都世田谷区成城6-1-20 Tel.03-3482-9031 Fax.03-3482-9467