「成城 学びの森」コミュニティー?カレッジ
Every great city not only has its own unique character, but also has similarities with other great cities - so let's compare London and Tokyo, as we read and discuss Craig Taylor's 2011 non-fiction book Londoners : The Days and Nights of London Now - As Told by Those Who Love It, Hate It, Live It, Left It and Long for It.
This book is a collection of interviews with all kinds of Londoners, ranging from a beekeeper to a Buckingham Palace guardsman. The stories of their lives also reveal the dynamic past and present of the city of London, and they often speak in a lively way which shows us how the English language is changing in the 21st century.
<テキスト>Craig Taylor著『Londoners』Granta Books ISBN: 978-1847083296 1,270円程
(1) Please read pages 1-24(Introduction, Prologue and Kevin Pover's piece)before our first class.
(2) ?(6)Each week we will choose the pieces for the next class together, voting for the most popular ones. Each piece is short, so we can cover two to four pieces each time, depending on the length of discussion you want. (Note : the book is too long for us to read everything, so we will just select our favourite pieces - please let me know which you prefer)
専攻 : 英文学?比較文学オックスフォード大学卒業、ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ学院修士課程修了。1999年から沙巴体育で英文学、英語を教える。円地文子の文学、二言語主義(バイリンガリズム)についての論考を公刊。現在は、英語の詩や、<文学と都市>をテーマにした研究をしている。I'm proud to be a Londoner:ロンドンにも4年住み、また住みたいと思っている!