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「成城 学びの森」コミュニティー?カレッジ



2014年度 春夏講座
11) The Words and Music of Bob Dylan in American Culture, 1961-2014

社会イノベーション学部教授 Dennis Riches(デニス?リチェズ)
金曜日 18:30 ? 19:50 (講座 :全 8 回) (1)5/9 (2)5/16 (3)5/23 (4)6/6 (5)6/13 (6)6/20 (7)7/4 (8)7/11


To follow upon last year's courses on two works by Shakespeare, the topic this year will shift to the man who has been called "the bard" of the 20th century. When Bob Dylan first appeared in 1961, he was just another folk singer working in New York's Greenwich Village. He was soon recognized as a creative genius and one of the leading voices of the counter-culture that emerged in the 1960s when the baby-boom children grew into adulthood. His work has continued to be highly praised and relevant up to the present time. He is now regarded as much more than a pop culture icon. Scholars of poetry have placed him in the canon of the great poets of the English language, and many American colleges now offer undergraduate courses on the poetry and music of Bob Dylan.
In this course we will study critical reviews, biographies, films, interviews, and, of course, Dylan's words and music. Related aspects of 20th century culture and history will also be discussed.


(1) Introduction: overview of Bob Dylan's career.
(2) The 1960s. Selected songs and articles about his work.
(3) The 1970s and 1980s. Selected songs and articles about his work.
(4) 1990~2014. Selected songs and articles about his work.
(5) Film: No Direction Home (2005). Documentary. Directed by Martin Scorcese.
(6) Film: I'm Not There (2007). Documentary/fiction. Directed by Todd Haynes.
(7) Excerpts from Bob Dylan's autobiography: Chronicles, Volume 1.
(8) Student presentations and discussions.


沙巴体育 「成城 学びの森」事務局
〒157-8511 東京都世田谷区成城6-1-20 Tel.03-3482-9031 Fax.03-3482-9467