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Announcement regarding symposium to be hosted by Center for Glocal Studies, Seijo University

event date:2019.11.30

Seijo University’s Institute for Economic Studies will hold the following symposium.
No prior reservation is required. All are welcome to attend.

<Dates & Venue>

Speaker: Yoichi Kibata (Emeritus Professor of the University of Tokyo and Seijo University)
Commentator: Makoto Yoshida (Fukuoka Women’s University), Yoshitaka Hibi (Nagoya University), Ayako Aihara (Hosei University)
Moderator: Rika Nakamura (Seijo University)
Theme: Symposium on the Imperial Route and Modern Japan
Date: November 30, 2019, 14:00-17:30
Venue: Room 831, Floor 3, Building 8, Seijo University


Center for Glocal Studies
Email: glocalstudies[at]seijo.ac.jp
*When you send an email, please replace “[at]” with “@”.

This event forms part of Seijo University’s 2018 MEXT-supported Research Branding Program for Private Universities.